Sunday, October 30, 2011

Yogi's anonymous ;)

There usually comes a time in a person's life when the "old way" isn't working anymore (and the "old way" may include the relationship you're in, your job, a few of your friendships, and your way of being in the world), and the "new way" isn't clear yet. This is sometimes referred to as "The Dark Night of the Soul". Basically, your inner compass is re-calibrating itself so it's in alignment with your heart, which is filled with intuition and knowledge of what's true for you, and not your mind, which is so full of "shoulds" and indecision. It's almost always a tumultuous, confusing and lonely ride as the shore behind you disappears, and the shore in front of you can't yet be seen. If possible, try to trust that you are right where you need to be EVEN if everything seems awful and hopeless right now, and that the storm will pass. Pain is a natural part of any growth process, and your struggle is there to help you crack open your true self. There's a world of love inside you, and that's the world you're sailing towards. If you throw up over the deck a few times on the way, it's well worth it
 ~ Namaste

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

We always, ALWAYS have choices

How often do you feel trapped, or boxed in?  You feel like there's no way out, no where to turn, often no one to turn to.  That's when we need to stretch our consciousness, and choose our way out of the box.

The reason we feel trapped is that we cannot see we have choices.  If we feel we have no choice, we are living as a victim under the control of social conscious energy, that low-frequency, negative stuff that says, "this is the way it's always been and will always be."

You know that you are more than your  body.  You know,  now, that you create from vibrational frequency.  You know that nothing affects your experience other than the way you are flowing your energy.  So here is what we need to remember --- must remember--- if we intend to stretch our Consciousness daily:

1.  We always have choices.
2.  If we can't find answers, it means we have overlooked the obvious.
3.  We have options.  What are they?  "What are my options?"
4.  To find them, we must plug in to our Guidance, and ask.
5.  Once we find them all we have to do is flow energy to them.

If you are in a situation you don't like and don't know what to do, if ever there was a time to expand your consciousness, this is it!  When you're in such a situation, whether of long standing or not, look at it like so:

1.  This is the result of my own energy flow.
2.  I do not have to like it or approve of it.
3.  I do not want to add to it by focusing negatively on it.
4.  I know I have choices, that there are alternatives.
5.  Now I will listen, and I will write.
6.  I won't try to pound it into place.
7.  I won't fly into Hi-Ho Silver action.
8.  Instead, I Will find my many choices, and ...
     --- Flow my energy to the one I presently desire
     --- begin inspired action in vibrational Harmony with Who and What I really am.
9.  If the alternative I chose is not satisfactory, I will call for more.

We are free beings, but until we realize that we have options in life, we will never be able to experience that freedom.  So whenever a feeling of being trapped comes over you, call an immediate halt to everything, go inside ask for guidance, and begin to listen for the choices that are always, always available.

IN TIME OF TRIAL,  FEEL to yourself ...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Nothing outside of the "Self" can bring peace

We do it all day long, don't we?  Not only is it part of our heritage, it is ingrained within all of humanity.  And what is "it?"  Seeking approval outside of ourselves---a sad result of our not knowing Who and What we truly are.

If we are to walk into our empowerment where freedom of existence reigns supreme, where we live with compassion for all mankind while being chained to no "should's," where we know that love of Self is the force of the Universe --- the thing of which woulds are made---then we must find a way to stop seeking approval outside of ourselves.  Now, frankly, I doubt we'll ever stop this insidious practice completely, but we can rid ourselves of at least 75 percent of our former approval seeking, for, up to now, much of it has  been unconscious.

We can no longer seek outside what we must learn to give to ourselves from the inside, for validation-seeking is closed valve stuff.  The moment we begin to fish around for approval outside of ourselves, we're swimming in negative energy, flowing out highly magnetic streams of lack-oriented vibrations.

When we can look at ourselves in the mirror in full approval and say, "you are who you are, and I'm learning to love every funny little thing about you just the way you are," we're on our way!  When we no longer have to bathe ourselves in perfume, or tiptoe on eggs before speaking, or dress for the identity of lusty macho, femme fatale, or true cool, we're on our way.  When we can look in that mirror and say from the depths of our being, "Hell no, I'd never want to do that again, but I no longer have any regrets about it," not only are we on our way to empowerment, we no longer have to react from guilt or shame in order to please the whole world.

Finding the Love that we are is mandatory.  That's it!  End of lesson! Learning to feel it, know it, be it, and act---not REact---from that vibration must be our only focused goal.  Everything else we have done to raise our frequencies and open our valves has only been practice toward this end.  

Now we're down to it.  

This is what our entire lives have been about: 

learning to love and cherish the beauty, the preciousness, the magnificence, the spectacular divinity that we are.

oxox :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Flip-switching is the key!

This is it! This is the big banana! (or what ever you want to call it ... haha!)  
This is what will turn your life into magic.  How fast?  
That depend on how much Flip-Switching you do:
 how often, how long, how intense, how willing, how diverse, how colorful, how stimulating, how entertaining, how appealing.

Flip-switching is nothing more than changing your frequency from low to high, but like RIGHT NOW.  It is simple to do, but not easy to remember, because most of the day we feel "normal," and find no need to change.  We're not in any kind of negative downer, we're not angry at the world, we're not blaming anybody for anything, we're just being "normal," which means operating in consistently low frequencies.  Doing this won't bring you much of anything except your basic, everyday struggle in the form of problems, aches and pains, fender-benders, house break-ins, crappy relationships, and a perpetually short supply of funds.  But learn to Flip-Switch, and you've got a whole new world out there.

The key to flip-Switching is to do it when you feel okay (normal low frequency), not just when your marriage is about to break up, you're going bankrupt, and you just lost your job.  It's about performing the very difficult task of feeling good ---really good --- every single second you can possibly remember to do it.   Since it is a near impossible to have our frequencies high twelve hours a day, then Flip-Switching steps in to become the tool preference to push us up there.  No one will do this for us; it is something we must do consciously, eagerly, enthusiastically, or it will fizzle.

You can flip-switch
when you're driving the car
when  you're on the phone
when you're out for a walk
when you're going to the "John" ;)
when you're grabbing a danish and coffee
when you're on the subway
when you're at a board meeting
when you're FEELING GREAT (as apposed to just good) to raise your frequencies from high to higher
when you're exercising 
when you're meditating
when you're making love (meaning, "doing nice things for your loved one"... ;))
when you're having a heart to heart with your children
when you're down, over anything
when you're frightened, worried, nervous, concerned, edgy, impatient, troubled, vulnerable, uneasy, uptight, depressed, frantic, insecure, sad, doubtful, unsure, ashamed, OR HAPPY!

Flow positive out, get positive  back,
both personally and worldwide ;)

~ Namaste ~

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Facing our own Love

Empowerment (enlightenment, awakening) will elude us forever until we can stand in the presence of our own Love --- own Entity, Inner Being, Expanded Self --- without running.  Until we allow ourselves to touch that Love, feel that Love, be that Love, our journey in physicality will never be complete.

Self-denigration is not only a deadly game, it says we do not believe our divinity, our beauty, our vitality, our creativity, our perfection, our joyousness, the very essences of the Gods we are.  Rather, self-judgment tells us we are "second-rate" and "less than."

Self-condemnation in any form is nothing but a cop-out, a comfortable place to be where we have no responsibility to our true Selves, only to our physical images.   We can meditate, chant, play with crystals and incense, do yoga exercises and proclaim our divinity forevermore, but for as long as we hold judgments against ourselves, empowerment and awakening will be nothing but words.

Why do we find it so hard to approve of ourselves?  Why do we continue to reproach, criticize, nitpick, punish, condemn, shame and belittle ourselves?  Because if we did not, we would be left with having to touch our own love.  And the tucking of that love would mean the melting of our images.  And we still think that the melting of our images would mean the loss of our security.

There is within each of us a power and awareness that, when found and felt, creates a knowing, a calm, a sureness, and a place of safety where we no longer have the need to hide behind our comfortable insecurities.  Our Job is to find that place, and expand it into true empowerment.

Self criticism is a killer because it locks us inside our bodies.  It closes our valve, washing us in the most caustic, destructive negative energies that can be produced.  Lack of self love is another expression for judgment, creating negative energy that closes in upon itself.

No wants or manifestations can come to you while you are --- in any way--- disapproving of yourself.  No abundance, no well-being, no perfect health, and very little joy.  To the degree that you hold yourself in low esteem will you know unhappiness and misery, for not only is self-judgment a valve closer, it is the most potential toxic energy that has ever been created ---anywhere.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Universe does not want your Resume

 Stop processing; 
And Start living! ;)

~"The reason I'm this way is ..." 
~"I've been this way all my life, but now I'm trying to ..."  
~"If I could just get rid of that awful trait of mine, "I'd ..." 
~"I'm working on it...God knows I don't like myself like this, but I'm working on it." 
~"Will I ever learn to...? 
Processing, processing, processing.  
Ok, Stop!

As long as we are processing, it is absolutely impossible to live in joy or pull in our desires, for we are only focused on, and thinking about, and feeling, and therefore vibrating all that old, ancient junk.  Processing is guaranteed to tie us forever to our past, from which not one of our desires can ever manifest.  Not one desire---not ever.  NOT EVER!

As long as we're trying to process our stuff, meaning trying to fix ourselves through this endless focus on where we've come from, what happened to us, and all other long-gone circumstances of our past, we will never --- we CAN never --- live in the Divine Now of joy.
The universe recreates itself around our pictures of reality.  (We always get what we focus on, remember?)  If we hold a picture of reality that there's something wrong with us, or that we need to be fixed, the universe has no choice but to recreate what we're feeling and what we're vibrating.

"I simply must find out what happened to me, how I got this way, what's wrong with me.  I must dig until I can find out why I am as I am.  Why, why, why, why?! 

No one is asking you to deny your past.  In fact, as you raise your frequencies, more and more unpleasant feelings are going to pop up, like shame, guilt, fear, and despair.  But processing this would brake forever, because you would have to process each lifetime separately --- not just this one --  to clear away all the emotional baggage.

So rather than denying or stuffing your past, go ahead and look at it, but without judgment.  Look at it, express it, admit it, acknowledge it, accept it, and move on.  In other words, let your past become something that is simply a matter of fact.  that's all.  Express your disappointment, your regret, your anger, and then ... LET IT GO!!!  If you don't you will continue to draw to you the very events that you are still resenting or regretting.

Our families, our upbringing, our relatives, our religion, our environment, our education or lack of it, our unfortunate circumstances: The fact is, the universe doesn't give a crap shoot how we got where we are, it only feels our vibrations.  And every time we process, ever time we dig-to-find or dig-to-learn, all we're doing is pulling those unwanted feelings into a very unpleasant, Normal Now.

As long as we anguish over our past, looking for those dark "reasons why," we can never be connected to our core energy in the Divine Now, well-being will be something that happens to others, and joy will be something we read about.  Our lives will not be happy.  

So never mind where you are not; decide where it is you want to go!! Never mind how you got to where you are now;  decide where it is you want to be! Every moment you spend explaining how you got to wherever you are now you bring that past into your Now and Vibrate it.  That can never ever make for a Divine Now, with positive energy flow, where you are connected to your core energy with a happy, open value.  So stop processing and start living.  Your life is not about what happened to you in the past; it is only about your vibration in this now. 

Where is your focus?  
What are you vibrating?

Stop dissecting;
Start experiencing ;) oxox

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Drawing Attention --- A Metaphor for insomnia :)


Have you ever tried
to "not think" of a pink elephant at all costs?
There is a lesson there 
but it is different from the lesson learned 
when you try to do something only your unconscious can do for you,
because no one can think a thought
that will add one inch to their height
or digest their food in a different way, 
and if you ever go someplace with a child
who is very, very hungry,
you will very quickly learn
that telling a child to ignore that hunger
won't help matters at all.
They know they want something 
and they want it now
and telling them to ignore it
won't help to forget it
but distracting their attention
with something of great interest
may help them forget that hunger entirely.
So you can take them on a roller coaster
or you can do something that makes them 
or you can have them close their eyes
and draw circles on their forehead
asking them to tell you 
what color is this circle,
and what color is the next, and what color is the line you trace 
from one side to the other, 
that looks a bit like the edge of a pond,
with cattails growing here and there, 
and rabbits playing in the grass
while the sun shines warmly
and the breeze gently blows in the trees
as the water washes against the shore
and the turtles sleep in the light
with clouds drifting by above
in the clear blue sky,
changing form and shape
as the birds sing to each other.
And that drifting off occurs
without knowing where or when 
even as the child tries
to open the eyes
and to not drift away,
that pleasant scene quiets the mind
and helps it forget to try
to be aware or unaware
of anything at all,
and that's all there needs to be ---
and all you need to do.

zzzzzzzzzz :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Negative self-judgment kills the body

We've heard it until we want to throw up:  "Now now, you must learn to approve of yourself."  
"yeah?  Who says, and what for?  If it makes me feel good to beat up on myself, why shouldn't I?"

Well, there are two basic reasons why it's time to quit that game:

1.  Negative self-judgment causes illness.
2.  Negative self-judgment keeps us from what we came here to learn.

This one is big!  Every time we judge anything about ourselves, the body goes on instant alert, having just been told that something is wrong with it.  The moment that alarm is sounded, the ever-faithful body goes instantly into its DNA frenetic AND "soulular" (meaning all the "you's" that have ever existed) data bank, back countless generations, to find anything it can that might be a match from the past to whatever it's just been told is wrong with it now.  Then it brings that "wrong" forward for healing.  "Here you are, Master, perhaps we'll be all right now."

Not likely! Now you've got the potential for cancer in the body just because you made a negative judgment about your weight, while your loving body thinks it's doing you a favor.  Every time you negatively judge anything about yourself from attitude to physical appearance, the body will rush in to help by providing a matching vibration from your genetic past for you to now heal.  If you hated cancer a thousand lifetimes ago as much as you now hate your weight, yippee, the body found a match to pull up so you can heal it.  That means every time you tell the body it's wrong, you create the potential for illness.

We approve of ourselves, 
No matter what ;) oxoxoxoxo Yes... No matter what ;) <3

I INTEND! Yes ... I Intend ;)

Can you feel the difference inside you when you say "I intend," rather than "I want"?  Now, there is no mistake, no wishy-washing around, and surely, no "buts," not if it's said and FELT forcefully.  Intending removes all doubt.  You KNOW you are going to acquire this, someway, somehow.  It becomes a given.  

So, when you're ready to begin in earnests with your Wants, take them out of tentative and shift them into Intent!  

Now you're making a clear statement.  
There will be no clouding of your energy.  It will be pure, and very powerful.

(Never ever worry about how it could happen.  That's up to the universe, not you. ;))

Intention, strongly placed, 
leaves no room for anything .... but joy oxox

Monday, February 28, 2011

We acknowledge that "well-being abounds"

Well- being is a universal principle

It's hard to grasp that our natural state is well-being, or that we have no reason to be anything but safe and healthy all the time, and that we have no reason to fear cancer or accidents or earthquakes or floods.  But it's true.  Our natural state is well-being.

Poor health, lack of financial security, job instability, acts of nature, earth shortages, prejudices, these are all the result of how we --- and everyone else --- have been flowing energy.  All of these things --- and much, much more --- will continue to exist on this planet, but they will only touch those whose valves are closed.

We are either allowing the well-being that abounds on this planet and throughout this universe, or we are not.  If we were allowing it in with open-valve focus, we would be totally secure, healthy, and prosperous. We may get fired from a job, only to find a better one.  We may be brushing up against a tornado, but we'll be fine.  We may get a mild cold ( from a slightly closed valve), but we won't get the three-week flu. We may be in a car accident, but we won't be hurt.  With our valve more open than closed, with our focus off of our Don't Wants and on to our wants, life turns into a platter of abundant well-being.

With a valve that is more open than closed each day, you won't be mugged (you'll take another route).  You won't be killed in a plane crash (you'll miss the flight). You won't be discriminated against, because you no longer are flowing out that negative vibration.

Well-being has nothing to do with contrast.  We will always have contrast (likes and Don't likes), but well being is the only thing the universe has to offer. 

Block it out with negative flow, 
and we experience the lack of it ----

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Breaking the Cycle

This meditation is designed to help break addiction to failure.  Because we perceive failure to be a reality, and because we desire to see some powerful results of our energy-flowing efforts, this meditation will help pave the way.  Do this meditation only if you are ready to become a deliberate creator :)

Find your centered place, connect with your Inner Being, and ask for assistance.  Ask that you be shown from this day forward any signs that you are still addicted to failure, no matter how slight.  
And now, climb the sparkling golden ladder that is in front of you, knowing that you are quite safe.  Climb very slowly and deliberately, stopping at each rung to feel the change in energy as you go higher ... and higher.  Feel the change.  Feel your connection deepen to that which you truly are.  Allow yourself to feel your sense of worthiness expand with each step you take.

At the eighth rung, you step off onto a platform of shimmering lavender.  Across the way, perhaps 100 yards or so, you see a door.  Allow your Inner Being to show you if the door is pure light or pure darkness, knowing that neither is right or wrong, only the experience your Inner being wishes you to have.  There is no solid structure around the door, only clouds of no color.  You are bid to cross the lavender platform and enter the door, for this is the door of addiction to failure.  Take your time to enter.  When you do, leave the door open.  

Inside is total void, blackness, nothingness.  You are surrounded by old beliefs, lack, uncertainty, unworthiness, and fear.  This is not a comfortable place to be, but you stay, waiting for what is to come.

Then slowly, in from of you, another door appears, glowing with your own divinity, your own brilliance, for this is a door of your own making.  You are bid to go through this door, but first, reach behind you and close forever the door through which you entered.  Close it tightly, firmly, permanently.  And now go forward with sureness into the blazing light; go through your new door, the door of freedom from failure.  You have walked out of old beliefs. You can never be the same.

We are always pulled 
by the draw of our own creations

Engage! ;)

You've taken your focus off of your Don't want.
You're flowing Feel Good energy to your special Want.
You're no longer trying to whack things into place to make things happen, because you're waiting for inspired ideas.
You're listening to your Inner Being, your core energy.  
You're watching for physical signs of things beginning to happen.  You know you're receiving guidance because inspired ideas are beginning to come to you.  You know that when you go into action now, it will be inspired action and evolve with ease.

But the point is, you MUST go into action!

There is never a time when you just sit back and say to yourself, "Well, I've placed my order with the Universe.  It's out of my hands.  "No way! Once you begin to get an inkling of how to proceed, or get your first idea, or see someone who suggest something ... once things begin to happen, no matter how unrelated they may seem to be, you MUST engage that idea with action.
Remember Star Trek's Captain (what was his name?) ... his famous command from the bridge of his starship Enterprise? When it was time to move on or set a new course, he'd toss his hand forward with the order "Engage!"  You can be having all the good ideas in the world, but you must take even the smallest steps every day to implement your idea, or your focus will be elsewhere, and so will your energy.


No matter how small the engagement (action)
no matter how little the amount of time, 
even if it's just a phone call or two each day,
or a listing of your ideas on paper,
or an actual outline of your project,
or a trip to the car dealer, or real estate agent, or dog pound,
or buying some small thing that's related to your idea ...


Engaging (which is inspired Action) breaks old patterning.   Engaging spawns the joy and excitement necessary to magnetize.  Engaging will usually create at least sixteen seconds ... 16! of pure positive energy directly related to your Want.  Engaging keeps your mind off of your Don't Want.

Engaging in some way, every day is absolutely mandatory for manifestation!


Trust is the name of the game

(You'll know when to act. OH YES! You'll know! ;) )

"But what if my ideas aren't really inspired?  What if they're coming from my need to fix or succeed?  How can I trust that what I'm getting from Expanded Self or those who walk with me?"

Believing we'll be judged or hurt by society, we do everything in our power not to make mistakes.  Yet this is simply social-conscious kind of thinking.  In reality, there is no such thing as a mistakes --- just lessons we came here to learn.

Trusting our hunches is not easy;  we always want to second-guess ourselves.  We want verification that what we're getting is the real McCoy, straight from our Expanded Selves.  We want documentation, or some kind of credential behind our ideas to prove they're the real thing instead of more of low-frequency fears.  We want a set of rules outside of ourselves with which to play this game. We are so unsure of ourselves in the arena of trusting our inner Guidance, that when an inspired thought comes in, more times than not we'll try to intellectualize it or override it in order to feel secure and safe.

The truth is that the universe doesn't give out Certificates of Authentic Inspiration; it only gives feelings. If we don't learn to plug into what feels good, we're going to miss the connection to our infinite intelligence that can give us all the answers to all of our problems.

Your inner Being/Expanded Self is aware of your every Want, of all you believe, and of all you're working on.  Put forth the intent that you are going to learn to trust the ideas that give you a twinge of excitement.  They're coming in on wings of positive energy.  Learn to trust the way you feel.

In every case, what we want is created, but we don't allow it to come to us because of old vibrational patterns.  Your Inner Being will never let you down.

Did you know that your Guidance system never shuts down?  In every moment of every day you are being guided, coached, gently maneuvered, or sometimes, hit over the head with a cosmic 2 x 4.  So now that you're learning to listen, the next step is to trust.  When a thought feels good, you are in harmony with your intuitions.  Follow it through, and watch what happens.  Remember, if it feels unpleasant or seems as though it would be difficult to do, it is not inspired Action.  But if it gives you a twinge of excitement, trust it, follow it, do it!!

Your Guidance system will 
never let you down.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Waves of transformation

Listen to yourself take several slow, deep breaths.  

Once again, pull up emerald-green light from the center of Mother Earth ... rap it around you ... then send it from your heart out around the planet and back to enfold you in its healing energy.

You're walking on a sunny, warm beach.  The air is sweet with the smell of saltwater and fresh breezes.  Under your feet is the whitest and cleanest sand you have ever seen.  Above, small puffy clouds dance against a deep blue backdrop.  The day is spectacular, the moment beautiful. You are filled with timeless joy.  

And now, lie your body down on the warm, soft sand, close enough to the water so that the waves will wash over your entire  body.  The water is very warm as it spills over you, and you feel caressed, nurtured, loved.  You lay there completely relaxed, fully trusting, and in profound joy.

The ocean has now turned into liquid light, so that as the next wave rolls over you, it engulfs you with its brilliant effervescence.  Feel the light ... feel the love ... feel the Universe washing over you, pouring Light through every cell of your body.  As the wave of light ebbs, it is pulling out all resistance to change and growth, all resistance to transformation, all resistance to empowerment.

Another wave of light comes to wash over you and through you.  Feel yourself surrender to its love, to its power, its joy.  As it pulls away, feel all desire to hold on to past negativity's leave with it, washing those low energies forever back into the bottomless sea of liquid love.

Another wave of liquid light comes, washing over and through you.  Feel it.  Allow it.  The wave pulls away.  What did it give you?  What did it take back with it into the sea of divine forgiveness that is You?

True life is letting go
of limitations ;) 

Play ... Play ... Play

Learning to do What?  Play... Play... Play ....

Homework 1:

Hang on to your hats!!! Did you know that playing raises your frequencies and stretches the consciousness?  When you play, you're in joy, pushing your frequencies way up off the charts.

Are you aware of how little you play? Do you think you could find ways to do it more?  We're talking serious PLAY here, not just things that bring you joy, like gardening.  Things like playing ball, sailing, playing marbles, going to a game, hiking with friends.  If bridge or chess is really PLAY for you, well, okay.  But what we're looking for here is free-floating, balls-to-the-wall, let it all hang out PLAY. 
 For a quick test, list your six most favorite things to PLAY at, and then jot down when you last did them. 

Some things I love to PLAY at are? 


The last time I did this was?

Homework 2:

!!!!!LOOK UP!!!!! lol!

Sounds crazy? No way!  The actual act of taking your eyes from the ground and casting them to the skies (or even the ceiling) will raise your frequencies. Looking down freezes you into physicality and social consciousness.  Looking up sends your mind --- and therefore your frequencies --- to search for the bigger picture.  So change your gaze from low to high.  It's a real God-Consciousness stretcher ... ;)

We learn as we vibrate, 
not as we decide 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Meditation: Loving it away

Guided meditation, also known as hypnotherapy, has been by far one of the more effective techniques for those who seem to get caught up with ... "Chattering of the Mind" ....

See if you can recall a MAJOR 
"Don't Want" in your life.  Think back to when you first started "thinking" about it and when it started being a major point of focus ... until it finally manifested exactly as you hoped it would NOT!

So, Now -- let's incorporate it ....

 Breath deeply three times, then return it to your normal breath ~

Relax into that sacred, serene place of knowing within you ... that place where you are so very safe ... and free from all fears.  Allow yourself to feel the love that wraps you in its arms. 

As you settle in, pull up from the center of Mother Earth a stream of brilliant, shimmering emerald green light, and flow it right up through the base of your spine ... to your heart area.  While the light dances about in your chest, place there  --- right in the middle of the light and chest one of your problems, or negative conditions, or "Don't Wants."  Just bundle the whole thing up, and put it in the center of that bubbly ball of light.

Now, turn the emerald-green light of mother Earth into the pure, white liquid light of All That Is, and with the deepest of respect and heartfelt love, and even admiration for its lessons, surround your problem with this gift of your divinity.  That light is pure love, so high in frequency, so filled with God, the sweet problem in the middle will be altered forever.

Infuse every inch, every particle, every tentacle, every side drama of your problem with this light.  Now bring up the intensity of the light, make it brighter with your love ... brighter (!) with more love than you knew you had ... brighter yet (!) with a love so filled with joy ... and awe ...and reverence ... that you and the light become one.

As you continue to intensify the frequency around your problem, feel its preciousness, its vulnerability, its frantic struggle to survive. Tell your problem, in your own words, that it has done its job, and from the light of God that you are, you thank it for its lessons, and its pain.  It has served you well, and now you are paying it honor.

Now as you hold the problem within the brilliant light, send it gently up and out through the top of your head ... straight up ... up ... up .... up .... up, until you can just barely see it, and let it burst itself out in sparkles of joy into the heavens above you.  You and your problem will never be the same, for you have loved it back into life.

Whatever you want to remove in life, 
love it. ;)

Friday, February 18, 2011


This is a very effective tool to use when "learning" how to actively communicate with your partner. Perhaps take a moment ... and read this to one another with absolutely no interruptions. Respect each others time ... and most certainly, Smile ...

 "Cause, You might be on Camera";) 

"When I ask you to listen to me and you start giving advice, you have not done what i asked."

"When I ask you to listen to me and you begin to tell me that I shouldn't feel that way, you are trampling my feelings."

"When I ask you to listen to me and you feel you have to do something to solve my problem, you have failed me again,"

"Listen! All I asked was that you listen, not talk or do --- just hear me!

"Advice is cheap.  For the cost of a newspaper, I can read "Dear Abby."  And I can DO for myself.  I am not helpless.  Maybe discouraged and stumbling, but not helpless."

"When you do something for me that I can and need to do for myself, you add to my fear and inadequacy,"

"But, when you accept as a simple fact that I do feel what I feel, no matter how irrational, then I can quit trying to convince you and get about the business of understanding what's behind your feelings.  And, when that's clear, the answers are obvious and I don't need advice,"


We are all resourceful, whole and complete. Trust in your partner. Change only you. For when we "change," the Universe will change around us.  

Let's Flourish Together ....

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Caught You in the Act ... of Being Magnificent

One of the gifts a person can give another is to really see what is special and unique about them --  and to tell them.  It is also one of the gifts that we bring to each other. We get to see people in the act of "being magnificent."

This style is called "Affirmations," because its purpose is to witness what is wonderful among all human beings.  Effective affirmations share many qualities with powerful questions.


-Are short, simple and direct.
-create resonance 
-highlight the truth

This practice is about who people are and not what they do.

Take a good look at people all around you.  Catch individuals being his/her magnificent self.  
Share your thoughts ....

"You were just caught in the act ... of being magnificent!" 

Oh those wonderful emotions ....

Ahhh, Emotions ....

Perhaps you can start by being curious about "actions," no harm to yourself and others, practice truthfulness and most certainly, Enjoy!

Let's start off with some "Key ideas" about emotions. Then to help guide a bit more, I've added some wonderful and fun emotions that you can play with. Remember, awareness is the key... Stand back and be your own observer. Listen to yourself and others with


So, here we go:

1. Emotions are integrated thoughts and feelings.

2. There are Authentic and False emotions. Authentic emotions, when honored, have you feel more connected to yourself. When you can "express" false emotions you feel numb or disconnected from self. You can "express" all kinds of false emotions without ever feeling anything real.

3. Within authentic emotions there are constricting emotions and expansive emotions. Many of the constricting emotions have been collapsed with false emotions. For example: hospitality, blame righteousness and punishment (all false emotions) have been collapsed with anger. They are not the clean expression of the constricting emotion that is anger.

4. We've been so manipulated and battered by false emotion that we are wary and distrustful of constricting emotion.

5. The constricting emotions you refuse to feel you end up living. For example if you refuse to feel your loneliness you end up living it rather than moving through it.

6. Honor emotions because they are there. You don't need a reason to feel (We often spend time looking for WHY we feel something as an avoidance of feeling it)

7. Impact before ownership. Give yourself permission to feel the impact of another's behavior before taking ownership of how you created it.

8. Your emotional field creates a resonance, a field of vibration. That emotional field has impact whether you say anything or not. Your resonance attracts some realities and precludes others.

This is when we start getting creative. Here are several categorized emotions: Authentic, both expansive and constricting as well as false emotions... and remember, it's all good. Be kind and gentle when observing yourself and others. Perhaps it is Causality that can predict ones future ;)

Authentic Emotions: Expansive

Love, gratitude, happiness, trust, joy, passion, enthusiasm, excitement, ecstasy, ease, peace, triumph, satisfaction, glee, delight, contentment, grace, hope inspiration, awe, bliss, desire

Authentic Emotions: Constricting

anger, fear, pain, need, hurt, sorrow, disappointment, loneliness, terror, despair, frustration, aggression, hate, rage, embarrassment, anxiety, grief, humiliation, remorse, doubt, hopelessness, dread, indebtedness

False Emotions:

guilt, self-pity, martyr, righteousness, resentment, judgment, control, perfection, scarcity, worry, shame, greed, apathy, obligation, hostility, arrogance, blame, struggle, entitlement, competition, mobilization, envy, jealousy

"To attain true happiness, we must begin by transforming the mind's afflictions." ;)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Uh, hmm... Run For my life?

What would you do if a Tiger came charging at you? Would you sit still and say, "I'm too tired to run" or "wait!' 'I don't know, for some reason, I'm just not feeling it today. Perhaps a little coffee will do.' 'Or better yet... Ah, hmmm, I need something for "pain" before I ....


The fascinating aspect of the human body are the extra ordinary senses. The mind is so very powerful. Let's say for example this incredibly strong and fast tiger is full speed ahead. What happens to our body and mind? We are fully awakened. Our sympathetic nervous system is in full gear. Eyes are wide open; perhaps our vision is sharpened a bit, we hear better; face and body whips side to side, up, down and around as we are fully alert. Our nose knows; even our senses are heightened.

What happens when you've escaped .... hence, all is clear? Perhaps a big sigh of relief. The heart rate is back to normal. The nervous system goes to sympathetic to parasympathetic.

Observe your moments. See and feel what naturally stimulates your senses.

Tireless energy; awareness, accountability and compassion.

Your moments are precious. Thus, Your body holds the medicine to heighten and cure pain and suffering. It's your life. And understand that wherever you are, that is where the mind should be. Always be mindful and be your own master. Then, there will never be a need for "charging tigers" ever again! ;)


[Great Movie Scenes] Good Will Hunting - Park Scene