Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I INTEND! Yes ... I Intend ;)

Can you feel the difference inside you when you say "I intend," rather than "I want"?  Now, there is no mistake, no wishy-washing around, and surely, no "buts," not if it's said and FELT forcefully.  Intending removes all doubt.  You KNOW you are going to acquire this, someway, somehow.  It becomes a given.  

So, when you're ready to begin in earnests with your Wants, take them out of tentative and shift them into Intent!  

Now you're making a clear statement.  
There will be no clouding of your energy.  It will be pure, and very powerful.

(Never ever worry about how it could happen.  That's up to the universe, not you. ;))

Intention, strongly placed, 
leaves no room for anything .... but joy oxox

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