Well- being is a universal principle
It's hard to grasp that our natural state is well-being, or that we have no reason to be anything but safe and healthy all the time, and that we have no reason to fear cancer or accidents or earthquakes or floods. But it's true. Our natural state is well-being.
Poor health, lack of financial security, job instability, acts of nature, earth shortages, prejudices, these are all the result of how we --- and everyone else --- have been flowing energy. All of these things --- and much, much more --- will continue to exist on this planet, but they will only touch those whose valves are closed.
We are either allowing the well-being that abounds on this planet and throughout this universe, or we are not. If we were allowing it in with open-valve focus, we would be totally secure, healthy, and prosperous. We may get fired from a job, only to find a better one. We may be brushing up against a tornado, but we'll be fine. We may get a mild cold ( from a slightly closed valve), but we won't get the three-week flu. We may be in a car accident, but we won't be hurt. With our valve more open than closed, with our focus off of our Don't Wants and on to our wants, life turns into a platter of abundant well-being.
With a valve that is more open than closed each day, you won't be mugged (you'll take another route). You won't be killed in a plane crash (you'll miss the flight). You won't be discriminated against, because you no longer are flowing out that negative vibration.
Well-being has nothing to do with contrast. We will always have contrast (likes and Don't likes), but well being is the only thing the universe has to offer.
Block it out with negative flow,
and we experience the lack of it ----