Friday, June 7, 2013

Passion is creation

How passionate are you about your desires, be they spiritual, material, or physical?  How deeply committed--meaning passionate-- are you to receiving what you asked for?
Remember, you are far more than your body: You are the eternal power of the Universe.  Passion accesses that power.  Even that which you believe is not possible becomes possible when your energy flow matches your desire, which is why passion is creation.
But it takes being a warrior to become passionate about something you think impossible.  If your desire is going in one direction, and your energy is going in another direction, passion goes out the window along with your connection to your Source energy.  Then comes frustration and/or depression--withdrawal from the pure positive energy of you Godself or Expanded Self.
So how passionate are you?  Where would you put yourself on this scale regarding your askings, your Wants, your desires? How much resistance do you have to your own high, pure energy?
Passion is nothing more than divinely pumped-up emotion.  It is blatant, unrestricted happiness going after a Want with intense magnetism.  So how do you get it?  How do you get your juices running over wanting to become something for which social consciousness ridicules you, or when the so-called odds are against you?" 
The answer is to make yourself lug into your joy, your excitement, your knowing, your Inner Being, your Expanded Self, your Godself, and demand that you stay there long enough to create more passion.  Then give more time to your desires, and more time, and more time.  The more time you give to them the more bigger the vortexes become, the more passion you will feel.  And the more passionate you feel, the faster your desires will manifest.  Heaven on earth begins with passion.
If you can't work up a sweat over your desire, start small.  Think about it over and over until thinking about it makes you feel good.  Pretty soon, you've built a bridge between your desire and your old beliefs that say, "This is bunk." As your passion builds, so does your connection with your Godself.  Powerful, passionate desire and excitement--that is being plugged into your God-consciousness!
Passion is Godself in Action