We do it all day long, don't we? Not only is it part of our heritage, it is ingrained within all of humanity. And what is "it?" Seeking approval outside of ourselves---a sad result of our not knowing Who and What we truly are.
If we are to walk into our empowerment where freedom of existence reigns supreme, where we live with compassion for all mankind while being chained to no "should's," where we know that love of Self is the force of the Universe --- the thing of which woulds are made---then we must find a way to stop seeking approval outside of ourselves. Now, frankly, I doubt we'll ever stop this insidious practice completely, but we can rid ourselves of at least 75 percent of our former approval seeking, for, up to now, much of it has been unconscious.
We can no longer seek outside what we must learn to give to ourselves from the inside, for validation-seeking is closed valve stuff. The moment we begin to fish around for approval outside of ourselves, we're swimming in negative energy, flowing out highly magnetic streams of lack-oriented vibrations.
When we can look at ourselves in the mirror in full approval and say, "you are who you are, and I'm learning to love every funny little thing about you just the way you are," we're on our way! When we no longer have to bathe ourselves in perfume, or tiptoe on eggs before speaking, or dress for the identity of lusty macho, femme fatale, or true cool, we're on our way. When we can look in that mirror and say from the depths of our being, "Hell no, I'd never want to do that again, but I no longer have any regrets about it," not only are we on our way to empowerment, we no longer have to react from guilt or shame in order to please the whole world.
Finding the Love that we are is mandatory. That's it! End of lesson! Learning to feel it, know it, be it, and act---not REact---from that vibration must be our only focused goal. Everything else we have done to raise our frequencies and open our valves has only been practice toward this end.
Now we're down to it.
This is what our entire lives have been about:
learning to love and cherish the beauty, the preciousness, the magnificence, the spectacular divinity that we are.
oxox :)